
Virtualhostx unistul web server
Virtualhostx unistul web server

virtualhostx unistul web server
  1. #Virtualhostx unistul web server install
  2. #Virtualhostx unistul web server archive
  3. #Virtualhostx unistul web server password

Save the file with the filename nf in the folder _vHosts

  • Type the following in the file: ( Replace martijn with your short admin name )ĭocumentRoot /Users/martijn/Sites/domains/processwire/htdocs/ĮrrorLog /Users/martijn/Sites/domains/processwire/logs/ĬustomLog /Users/martijn/Sites/domains/processwire/logs/ common.
  • Create a new file with your favourite text editor.
  • conf in this folder will be loaded when we (re-)start Apache. In our ~/Sites folder we created a folder named _vHosts. Name the alias _settings.ini or what ever you want to name it. Make an alias the this file by right click and choose: Make Alias ( setting xdebug.max_nesting_level=1000 for example if needed ) Open the file: /usr/local/php5/php.d/99-liip-developer.ini ( This file is the last ini file that gets loaded, so perfectly suitable for your personal settings )
  • Create inside the htdocs folder a file called index.html with some content.
  • logs ( make this writeable by right click the folder and choose Get info )
  • Inside the processwire folder create 2 directories:.
  • Create a folder inside the domains folder called processwire ( processwire will be the domain name ).
  • Create the folder domains inside the ~/Sites folder.
  • Create inside the Sites folder a folder called _vHosts.
  • Create the Sites folder in your user home ( if not exist ).
  • Include /Users/martijn/Sites/_vHosts/*.conf * ( Replace martijn with your short admin name ) The file should at least have these two lines: NameVirtualHost *:80
  • * Add the include: include /Users/martijn/Sites/_vHosts/*.conf at the bottom of the file.
  • Be sure that NameVirtualHost *:80 doesn’t start with a # sign.
  • Comment out the 2 VirtualHost examples by putting a # in front.
  • Open the duplicated file that we createdĬhange: AllowOverride None, to AllowOverride All.
  • virtualhostx unistul web server

    #Virtualhostx unistul web server password

    Press save and enter your password when asked. Press: shift + command + g ( Go to folder )įind the line: #Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/nf

    virtualhostx unistul web server

    This notice is not a problem, we only use this Mac for local website development.

    #Virtualhostx unistul web server install

    (PHP 5.5 is the current stable)Īfter the install is completed Apache is restarted and complains about “ Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using your-computer-name.local for ServerName”. Note: If you want to have an older PHP version, replace 5.5 with 5.4.

    virtualhostx unistul web server

    Press: RETURN ( download starts and continues with a the install ) We gonna use the PHP installer created by Liip. After we installed PHP, we configure Apache & PHP so that we’re able to run the ProcessWire sites in our own ~/Sites directory.

    #Virtualhostx unistul web server archive

    For MYSQL we gonna install the DMG Archive (x86, 64-bit). The PHP installer package is created by Liip and it is based on entropy's php package. It doesn't install Apache, it uses the Apache installation, which comes with OS X. Let's setup PHP, MYSQL and activate mail using gmail smtp for OSX 10.6 and up, perfectly suitable for ProcessWire. I love to share how I setup this environment in a step by step tutorial. Raymond is also using this and Arjen did the same recently. I'm using the same web develop environment for years and I'm really happy with it. Recently I got a brand new iMac so I needed to install PHP SQL and configure Apache.

    Virtualhostx unistul web server