
Webscraper pause work
Webscraper pause work


Don’t be one of these developers! Remember to set a popular User Agent for your web crawler (you can find a list of popular User Agents here).

webscraper pause work

Most web scrapers don’t bother setting the User Agent, and are therefore easily detected by checking for missing User Agents. Some websites will examine User Agents and block requests from User Agents that don’t belong to a major browser. User Agents are a special type of HTTP header that will tell the website you are visiting exactly what browser you are using. This is by far the most common way that sites block web crawlers, so if you are getting blocked getting more IP addresses is the first thing you should try. Ultimately, the number of IP addresses in the world is fixed, and the vast majority of people surfing the internet only get 1 (the IP address given to them by their internet service provider for their home internet), therefore having say 1 million IP addresses will allow you to surf as much as 1 million ordinary internet users without arousing suspicion. This will allow you to scrape the majority of websites without issue.įor sites using more advanced proxy blacklists, you may need to try using residential or mobile proxies, if you are not familiar with what this means you can check out our article on different types of proxies here.


To avoid sending all of your requests through the same IP address, you can use an IP rotation service like ScraperAPI or other proxy services in order to route your requests through a series of different IP addresses. The number one way sites detect web scrapers is by examining their IP address, thus most of web scraping without getting blocked is using a number of different IP addresses to avoid any one IP address from getting banned.

webscraper pause work


Here are a few quick tips on how to crawl a website without getting blocked: 1. On the other hand, there are many analogous strategies that developers can use to avoid these blocks as well, allowing them to build web scrapers that are nearly impossible to detect. Web scraping can be difficult, particularly when most popular sites actively try to prevent developers from scraping their websites using a variety of techniques such as IP address detection, HTTP request header checking, CAPTCHAs, javascript checks, and more.

Webscraper pause work